Traditional Marketing Pillars and our 3 Pillars

Traditional marketing pillars are ONLY interested in how to sell people stuff. At 3 Pillars Marketing we base all our actions on Planet, People, and Profit - in that order. Because the environment matters.

In traditional marketing the 3 pillars are all about dividing the market and creating a strategy for sales. They work from the base of:

  • Segmentation of the market for higher leads
  • Targeting of market demographics for highest sales impact
  • Positioning product for greatest consumer appeal and purchase

We’re anything but traditional. We think differently. Everything’s interconnected. Dividing and conquering is part of the strategy that leads to Greenwashing. And that doesn’t bring any real solutions to pressing planet problems. We prioritize.

Planet. People. Profit – in that order!

The Planet is our first consideration. If we cross all the planetary boundaries, it doesn't matter what else we do, Earth will be inhabitable for humans.

You get better leads, greater impact, and deeper customer loyalty when you put

Planet first.

It’s a different time and different marketing is needed. Your cutting-edge solutions to our most pressing climate issues aren’t meant to divide but to connect. They’re meant to benefit the Earth as a whole. They’re the future that is now. The Planet is the top priority because if it isn’t…well, then nothing else really matters.

First: our Planet

Planetary boundary overshoot from the Stockholm Resilience Centre in 2024. It looks like we are in for extreme climate changes.
Planetary boundaries Overshoot, Stockholm Resilience Centre, 2024

It looks dire for our planet. If we continue business as usual there is very little time left for humans to be able to inhabit our Earth. But it doesn’t have to be that way. These changes can be halted, and I believe, reversed.

It takes all of us looking at ways to be kinder and gentler to our Planet. It takes solutions that address planetary problems in a holistic and circular way. We need to think of all the Earth systems as one system, and we’re part of that magnificent whole.

Marketing that educates, informs, and causes people to act for the good of the Planet is needed. Your solutions need to have the widest possible reach for the greatest possible impact. Saving our Planet saves People and makes a Profit.

Second: People

How do we measure what’s good for the people on Earth? Do we measure the rate of poverty? Do we measure population? Do we measure how much stuff people have? Why don’t we measure how happy people are?

People is the second pillar of our marketing value structure. And the happiness and life satisfaction of people are critically important to us.
Happiness and Life Satisfaction – Our World in Data

Measuring the happiness of people is complicated. But wealth has a huge impact on happiness. Across the world, unhappy people dominate. But should that be the case?

How could your business change that? Is that something you want to do? Have you even thought about the happiness of the world and what impact that might have on the health of our Planet?

If we assume everything is interconnected. And it is. Then imagine the impact your business has on the happiness and life satisfaction of the other billions of people who inhabit our Planet.

This is not a trivial influence. And marketing your sustainable solution to a Planetary crisis is one step to happier People. Hiring people and paying a Fair Wage is part of an ethical and sustainable solution to the unhappiness crisis.

Disruptive marketing helps you get into the lives of people. As consumers. As producers. As disruptive business partners. We are all part of the supply chain and when it’s transparent everyone’s happy.

Except the Statue Quo

Our disruptive marketing strategies can help you make those connections and develop beneficial relationships.

Third: Your Profit

Profit can be measured by many different Key Profit Indicators (KPIs). Traditional economics measures only the Financial Capital. That’s your profit or loss statement for taxes. It’s very important but not the only measure of business success.

Natural capital is the overarching form of defining wealth. Intellectual capital, financial capital, and human capital are all secondary to what the earth needs and makes everything else possible.
The many forms of capital from the International Integrated Reporting Council

Financial and Manufactured capital are the usual KPIs. They’re the revenue and costs that we can take to the bank. Yes, without money you can’t do much else. But money is the tip of the iceberg.

They’re the only KPIs the Status Quo is measuring.

As a cutting-edge environmentally aware business owner you know there’s more to success than dollars and cents. The satisfactions of your employees, vendors, and everyone along your supply chain are also indications of your success.

If you’re a regenerative brand partnering with regen growers across the globe your human capital happiness net is wide. Your opportunities to have an impact on a People’s happiness is expansive! Part of your mission is improving livelihoods. You’re creating more joy in the world. And that’s a wonderful KPI!

As a regenerative and ecologically aware business owner you know everything is connected and natural capital is one of the most precious KPIs you can measure. The health of the soil, the water, and all the Earth’s inhabitants is immeasurable. But that part of your profit is fundamental for the overall health of Planet. People. Profit.

Disrupting the Status Quo for Planet. People. Profit.

Our job at 3 Pillars Marketing is to help you upset business as usual while sustainably expanding your influence and success. We know this is a critical time and you have the solutions the Planet needs.

We drill down your solutions as the best options for Earth health. Our disruptive marketing invites consumers to be participants in the healing relationship with Earth.

Together we educate, inform, and move the Planetary health needle toward fitness for all Earth’s inhabitants. It’s an exciting and unifying objective that folds financial, natural, and human capital together into one key KPI.

Planetary Healing

3 Pillars Marketing strives to achieve this KPI in large and small ways every day. Join us in this journey. Contact us and see just how much good you can do in the world while making a financial profit.