3 Pillars Marketing -Disrupting the Status Quo

We know the Status Quo is moving fast to convince folks they have the answers to global problems.

We have to move faster. We don’t need any more Greenwashing, the Earth needs solutions that are equitable for all Earth beings.

We’re a marketing agency with an attitude.

It’s an attitude of cooperation and alliance. I’m a one-person agency with a network of support. That’s what happens when you’ve been around a while. You develop relationships.

I think it’s important to stand up for what you believe. And I know my alliance isn’t for everyone. And that’s OK.

AI generated image of the earth and all it's inhabitants living in harmony.
AI Generated image of Earth in harmony

The folks who make up the 3 Pillars Marketing alliance are for a greener, bluer, more joyous Earth. I’ve created a network of people who are excited about disrupting the Status Quo in favor of Earth-sustaining and regenerating activities.

My mission is to provide marketing support to those folks whose companies make a difference in the world.

Yes, my alliance offers SEO and content. We think social media is important. We know the Status Quo is moving fast to convince folks they have the answers to global problems.

We have to move faster. We don’t need any more Greenwashing, the Earth needs solutions that are equitable for all Earth beings.

And we do mean ALL!

Qualifications? Change is the Only Constant

I’ve been around the block a few times. My handle is michfarmgal because I am one. Although my background includes many successful businesses, a serial entrepreneur, I keep coming back to the soil. There is a tremendous joy in digging in the dirt, breaking my fingernails, and seeing new growth emerge. Not to mention earthworms!

Biochar added to soil sequesters carbon while creating microbial habitat. The nutrient cycling system is in balance.
Adding homemade biochar to soil for added carbon and microbial habitat

Old doesn’t mean retired. It means experienced.

Some would say age means you’re set in your ways. Maybe…

But if your motto is “change is the only constant” well…our alliance of relationships is up for the task of disrupting the “same old, same old” in favor of “bluer and greener.”

Often new isn’t new – just forgotten. The regenerative mindset is an old way of thinking that honors all the beings of Earth. You don’t have to give up technology to embrace the old – but you do have to reconsider unlimited growth.

What Growth Do We Support?

Everyone needs to make a living. We can’t go through life without money.

Barter does sound like a great way to forge a new worldview. But we don’t see that happening in our lifetimes. That’s a Utopian view and not practical for moving the needle of global healing. That said, I hope you can prove me wrong.

We do see sustainable growth that honors all Earth’s beings as a foundational component of good business management.

The Role 3 Pillars Marketing Plays in Sustainable Business Growth

We help businesses gain market share to Heal the Earth while sustainably growing their business. Part of that is helping businesses develop plans to determine how much revenue goes where…and why. Where that revenue is coming from…and how it benefits the Planet.

We prioritize all business decisions around Planet. People. Profit – in that order.

That means I don’t have business cards made of paper. Our hours revolve around the light hours of the seasons.

And the seasons of growing and preserving food, chopping wood for fuel, and other sustainable activities.

We’re partners in molding the raw materials of a transparent supply chain into a robust flow of global and regional solutions. We live in an exciting time.

Sharing with all Earth's beings in the right thing to do. Please some fruit on the tree for birds in the winter.
Always leave some fruit on the tree for birds in the winter

It’s a time when we can inform, educate, and enlist our neighbors.

Through the internet we can partner with like-minded creators across the globe in developing solutions to the most pressing Earth solutions.

What Role Does Your Company Play?

What do you believe are the most pressing problems to solve?

How do you see your company solving those problems?

How can we help and what should be the first domino in the Status Quo line-up to fall?

Isn’t it time to shift the paradigm?

Dominoes in a row toppling with a man representing Big Business trying not to get caught in the pile.
Photo 36983682 | Dominoes Falling © Tom Wang | Dreamstime.com The dominoes of the Status Quo will all topple

All the Status Quo dominoes are lined up in a row, ready to fall. And a new world order is waiting to emerge.

Are you in?

Contact me and let’s start a conversation and relationship.