Helping Businesses That Make a Difference Make More Money

You have a product that can not only change the world – but heal it.

Cutting-Edge Environmental Industries

You’re dreaming big. You’re in a cutting-edge industry changing the world. You’re passionate about healing the Earth – and know you have to make more money to make a difference.

Increase Your Impact – Increase Your Profit

Chickens in crop rotations create adde3d revenue streams for farmers and high-quality food for consumers. You can make more money with regenerative ag practices.

We understand. We’re also dreaming that dream. But it’s not a dream when you act

purposefully, consistently, and with authenticity.

Sustainability is the only way we can protect our earth – and our businesses.

We don’t think we need any more Status Quo industry. We think it’s time for a paradigm shift. It’s time to disrupt the

same Old same Old!

The Values We Believe in at 3 Pillars Marketing

We believe making money is part of the future paradigm. Money is a form of barter, it has no value in and of itself, only for the freedom and value it brings to everyone involved in the transactions. And everything on earth is a transaction.

We believe in helping the planet, caring for people, and profiting in a way that’s sustainable. We only work with clients who are passionate about creating a positive impact on the environment.

We believe businesses need to be financially successful to have the greatest positive impact on environmental issues facing us today and into the future.

We believe in the value of marketing as an educational tool. Non-sustainable remedies are solving problems, creating even greater environmental problems. Sustainable solutions are the future.

We believe consumers have the right to know if their food, fuel, and clothing were sustainably produced. And we believe more consumers are demanding transparency from producers and processors.

We believe a paradigm shift is essential for the human species to continue to exist. Our planet will continue with – or without – us.

What our Clients Say

We are extremely excited about the results so far and very appreciative all you have done. We are going to be calling customers soon for their 30-day check up on the [all-natural rabbit] fertilizer, so we will definitely push hard for them to leave a review on our GBP and all our customers going forward.

Raymond Long, Clear Ranch Ag Services

Working with Jackie is a pleasure. Jackie has an agricultural background, and she can understand complex ag topics. She writes informative and persuasive materials for our market. She is a professional and we are glad to have her on our team. We highly recommend Jackie because of her writing skill and her agricultural background.

Barbara, Rogitex

We’re not just another Sustainability marketing firm, we’re your partners in success.

The fate of the earth is personal to us. Our marketing is designed to ensure you’re seen, heard, and chosen. We use your time wisely and generate marketing systems that create the most impact.

If you’re a grower, processor, or distributor in a cutting-edge industry you know there’s one BIG obstacle to overcome to meet your goals…

the Status Quo

We've been tilling and degrading our Earth since the beginning of agriculture with the invention of the plow. We're just more efficient at soil and planetary destruction in the 21st century.
We’ve been tilling the soil and degrading it since the beginning of agriculture. Isn’t it time to rethink?

What’s your plan for meeting this seemingly overwhelming obstacle?

Every year doing things the same old way is leading to more ecological disasters. We see consumers buying what they think are solutions when they’re really getting…

Greenwashing is sadly a part of the strategy of the Status Quo to keep things the same while pretending to be climate-friendly
Corporate America analyzing how to make bigger profits. 
photo 50804583 © Rawpixelimages |
How much more money does Big Business need to make on the backs of producers and consumers?

The Status Quo is outcompeting you for consumer awareness. Consumers don’t know about your solutions because Google doesn’t even rank your website.

Losing out to the Status Quo is awful. Let’s change that. Our empathetic approach to creating rock-solid positioning gives you the edge.

Your Solutions Benefit our Planet, People, and Create Profit

We’re coming together in many different ways to benefit our planet and all stakeholders, all of nature.

We create Marketing Campaigns that Increase Awareness, Support, and Profit

Campaigns that benefit the Planet and Bring Social Equity to all Earth’s Residents

The toppling of the Status Quo industries with a paradigm shift from companies like yours.
Together we can topple the Status Quo.

Together we can topple the Status Quo industries and create a brighter future.

A collective mindset shift to regenerative, sustainable growth is necessary.

Do we need everyone on board? Nope!

We only need 25% of the world population to make the change and we’ll reach the tipping point.

Our mission at 3 Pillars Marketing is to speed up the process of getting to that 25%. This is no easy task. It’s a community effort.

What are the 3 Pillars that are the foundation for all our marketing?

They’re the 3 Pillars of Earth Consciousness.

Planet. People. Profit.

In. That. Order.

Because everything is interconnected. The Planet is our first priority. We help people to make a positive impact on our Planet. In order to have the greatest impact people have to profit so they can put more resources back into regenerating our Planet.

Strong technical and content marketing strategies

Boost Awareness and Sustainable Growth

There is a solution to runaway environmental chaos. Your services and products are part of the answer. Let consumers know there are better solutions.

Coffee is still picked by hand. Socially conscious processors buy from regenerative farmers who have social equity as one of their standards.
Coffee beans are picked by hand and conscious processors pay a fair price.

Partnering with farmers and growers from across the globe to deliver Fair Trade products to environmentally aware buyers.

Biochar is a value add product made from waste streams. A paradigm shift from industrial ag to regenerative ag includes natural soil amendments.
Regenerative ag and industry needs sustainable inputs and biochar is one example.

Converting a waste stream into a valuable biochar product.

Whether you’re partnering with a farm community in another part of the world to create a Fair-Trade product, turning a waste stream into biochar, regenerating the soil, or something we can’t even imagine. We’re here to help you deliver the message of your circular solutions for a vital healthy planet.

Are you part of the 25% needed to shift the paradigm?

Yes? We need to talk – and soon!